Wednesday, July 22, 2009

School books

I know it's still summer, but as a homeschooler I have to get books now so they are shipped to me by September. G1 will be 5 in September so she will be in preshool but I have a phonics kindergarten curriculum from k12 and math from abeka. I ordered the math today. For M I have all k12 he is in 1st. I also got a health workbook from abeka for him. We just got his books today. Three big boxes it was like Christmas in July. I am excited about our new school year. But still thoroughly enjoying summer.
The weather forecast has me a little worried I don't deal well with high temps and they are talking 107 here on Wednesday. YIKES!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

vasaline and swim lessons

No they don't go hand in hand. G2 got hold of a container of Vaseline and smeared it all over his arms and tummy. The water in the shower was rolling off him like a duck. I think I got it all off though.
M and G1 started swim lessons today. So far success they both put their heads under.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Well this has been a busy week. R came home last week and told me that he had just found out he was going to Wisconsin for a month, in a week!!! So a week after my sister left for California My husband went to Wisconsin. We spent a couple days this week at my good friends (gf) house with her daughter well she had some medical stuff taken care of. I went and saw Harry Potter, Pretty good but the end wasn't as exciting has I thought it could or would have been. Took the kids to see Ice Age 3 at the drive in on Saturday. They had fun. Hopefully this is the last one. It was good but I can't see it going anywhere if they try to make more. The next thing I am looking forward to is the new Diana Gabeldon Novel coming out in September "An Echo in the Bone". Well first I am excited about the camping trip at the end of this month. Five days with mom friends and lots of kids.
One thing that hasn't happened this week is the escape of the dog. Yaaaa!!! We are in the process of building a fence so she doesn't have to be in a kennel during the day. But it didn't get finished before R left. She goes in the road and wont come back until she is good and ready love the dog but this just drives me crazy. I don't want her to get hit by a car and the Neighbors don't like her running through their yards.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

So excited to see this movie! There is a midnight showing at the drive in theatre tonight. I'll see if I can talk R into going or at least letting me go alone!!! I like Harry Potter and I love the drive in. I spent alot of time there one summer when R was in Arizona working. I could go to a movie and not have to find a sitter.


Today while I was on the phone with my Good Friend the kids did what my kids do. They attempted to destroy the house. Like most times when this happens I was distracted but only for about 10 minutes. My friend has the flu so was calling to cancel our play date at a park. When I came upstairs they had found a bag of balloons that I had hidden several times already. They were trying to make water balloons in the bathroom.Water everywhere. On the positive side the floor did need to be cleaned. The walls, not so much. So now those balloons are hidden in the garbage can. The kids don't know this of course and will never miss them.

surrogate mother

I have been doing research about being a surrogate mother. I love being pregnant. My body loves it. I have been looking at clinics. It is alot of work. I did apply at one clinic but think they may not accept my application becouse I am overweight. We shall see. I have had 3 healthy pregnancies with no complications. I had all my children at Birth centers with no pain medication and brought them home 2-3 hours after they were born. There birth weights were M- 8lbs 15 oz, G1 7lbs 11 oz, and G2 9lbs 7 ozs.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The first one

Well ok I have been reading alot of different blogs and have been thinking of starting my own for awhile. So here it is.
I have three kids so far. We are in debate on a fourth me yes him yes,no,yes,no so pretty much undecided. We have been married for almost 7 years. The kids are M-6yrs, G1-41/2yrs, and G2-3yrs. So you can see we had them close together. Three in diapers for awhile , nuts people called me and some still do.
As for the rest of the household there is the Husband-R. So on to the Four legged or fin part of the zoo. Rory the dog ( its a girl but M insisted). Jack and Tigger the cats. Elmo the turtle (also a girl but R didn't know till later). Nibbles, Peter Cottentail, and Goldengirl the house Rabbits. Cowpig and Ruben the guinea pigs both adopted from my sis cuz they moved. Two fish tanks- one with a crap ton of guppies the other with other fish.
So today we went to see my sis and family at a hotel. We swam and played for 4 hours. They left on their move and got 80 miles when one of the cars broke down. So they are staying in a hotel till Tuesday when it should be fixed. What a hell of a way to start their trip. The car is only 3yrs old so that was a surprise.